Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Am I a hipster yet?

Last week, my friend Emily told me about a ten dollar bag sale going on at a thrift store in Burlington. I had been to the store before, and it's a high-class, expensive place. They have really nice clothes, very retro, and it is better organized than most current-trend stores. Ten dollar bag sale?! Yes!

Emily and I went to the store, Downtown Threads, and stuffed our bags to our hearts' desires. Some of the clothing was almost painful to look at, but that's expected in a thrift store. We ended up finding a few really nice things for each of us- Emily picked up a few beautiful dresses and I grabbed as many vests as I could see.

Last night, my friends Katie and Lauren and I took a very, very, VERY late bus into Burlington to do a little bit of grocery shopping. We ended up at City Market, which is a glorious place. Here's a link to their website: http://www.citymarket.coop/ If you live anywhere near Burlington, check out this store. It is affordable and wonderful. There is even an entire section just for locally-made cheese!

I bought crystallized ginger, which should help as sickness-season passes through Saint Mike's. I feel as if everyone I know is sick! I considered arming myself with clorox wipes, lysol, and hand sanitizer, but I think the crystallized ginger will work fine. :)

I am completely wiped out after last week. I had way too many papers due in a short period of time. It was all manageable, but my brain is fried. I was so tired last night that I accidentally created a new snack- crystallized ginger on wheat thins. It sounds terrible, but it is the perfect combination of so many different flavors, and is very calming. This might become my new study-food.

Here's looking forward to another thrifty, organic, and studious week!

Also, this video is fantastic: http://laughingsquid.com/somebody-i-used-to-know-played-by-obsolete-electronic-devices/

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